Free Shipping Tuesday
Hi everyone! Did you know that the entire month of October is Free Ship Tuesdays?
I have not been able to take advantage of this for the past 3 years due to not being able to think straight (stress of losing my Mother-in-law) but I got it together this year!
I thought I would share this with you in case you did not know about it. Here's how it works.
It's through Canada Post but you can't do it at a post office. You must do it online off their site.
You do have the restrictions that you can only mail ONE package per Tuesday for the whole month of October and it can only weigh 5lbs max.
If you go to the link above, you will be able to read more about it.
What I do is get my CHRISTMAS gifts all wrapped and ready to ship early and then send them off to friends so that they can hold on to their gifts and it costs me nothing to mail them... THAT my friends is a HUGE savings! You all know how much shipping costs.
It's also a great time to ship a surprise HALLOWEEN package to some kids in your life! I do this too! Yippppeee! A box of candy... who wouldn't love to receive that.
AND guess what?
There are FIVE Tuesdays this October! WHAT!!!!
My first package is being mailed out and picked up today! Oh, yah! They pick up at your location. You don't even have to go anywhere.
I am sorry I could not get this message out to you sooner, but I had to try it myself first to make sure it was working well before I got you all excited.
YOU STILL HAVE TIME to get your package today sent in. I believe it goes until 11:59pm tonight so .... wrap and shop and get it done if possible. YOU SAVE so much if you don't have to pay shipping! Just remember to read all the rules from the link above!
On another note....
To my friends who have already brought and left me surprise Flower Bulbs in my mailbox... I think your ribbon gave you away and I now know who this gift came from. I hope you come back to knitting ... we miss you! AND my friend who showed up to knit with a bucket of flowers to plant in my garden that she pulled up from hers... I love you bestie. THANK YOU! The Memory LOVE Garden is already starting to come to life.
I am more than touched by the kindness and the replies to my blog posts have been simply wonderful. THANK YOU for reading my posts. THANK YOU for your messages with suggested flowers to plant and offers to bring me things! It is a tiny garden, but I am going to use whatever you bring for me! Every time I look at it... I will think of you and the support and love you have offered to Mrs. Rees' Vintage Beauty Parlour!
I'd like to make this a longer blog post, but I need to get it posted so that you can take advantage of the FREE SHIP TUESDAYS! If you manage it... I'd love to hear about it!
See you soon!
November Stitch & Story Date has been posted! If you'd like to join us... please RSVP!
Have a wonderful day and Happy October!