Day 3 of 12 Days of Christmas

Just some sweet reminders to share the love!
No Spend Progress
I will be baking and making stuff for Neighbours although the No spend is more about us and not others... so gifts are still on the table for our family and friends... we just can't buy each other things or ourselves. I already was done all my Christmas shopping though anyway. Heehee
I love baking for people during the holidays (doggies included). I think with the price of food this is an awesome gift you can give someone. I usually host a cookie exchange which got cancelled this year because we only had 3 of us registered. Too bad. We even did it through COVID but maybe we just need a change.
Oddly enough... just as I was preparing this post for you all, my beautiful client Rosella was in for a pixie cut. She said that she had a gift for me that she hoped would help with the No Spend journey. She has gifted me a cookbook that she created! It is absolutely incredible. All the months of the year and all the art for each month begins with a drawing by her husband... a foreword by a family member and a picture by, I believe, her grandson. I can't wait to delve into all the stories that accompany each month and of course, you all know I love to cook. I will try my best to remember to share the photos of anything I make from the book! THANK YOU so much for this very thoughtful gift!
So, I would like to propose a SWAP! If you are interested... you must make something, nonperishable food like canned goods is allowed. knitting, candles, crochet, sewing etc.
I will post an event about this and if you are interested, I will see how many people I get with a maximum of 10 people.
We would all need to make 11 items that are between $15 and $20
You will then get 11 items back ~ one from each participant.
If you'd like to be apart. Please RSVP once the event is posted.

Great idea