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Catch up time...

Things are going okay here ... how about you?

The Parlour is really picking up a lot of new clients... thank you to all of you who constantly recommend me on Belleville Neighbours and elsewhere.

The Parlour Memorial Garden is just about to bloom! So far, the bunnies have not gotten to the Tulips at all so fingers crossed it stays this way! THANK YOU to those of you who contributed to the garden last fall! We will soon reap the rewards... and if you would still like to bring something that is good to plant in the Spring and blooming in the summer ... I will do my very best to find space for your contribution. Have an idea of something that I could put in this spring? Send me a reply to this and I will look into adding it to the garden.  

I'll post images when the first flowers bloom. 



Bees Knees

I am keeping up with my healthy lifestyle. I have found the thing that is right for me and it's working. I am still getting up at 5:15am each morning and begin my 23-minute workout at 6am. Then hop in the shower, get Norman and I out for our morning walk and then head into the parlour. 

I am still calorie counting... it's working for me. I NEVER cheat and I am seeing approximately 1 - 1.25 pounds weight loss per week. About 5 pounds a month. That might not seem like a lot but it's adding up and I must wear a belt with my jeans now to keep them from sliding down during walks and at work. Slow and steady!  

I am drinking the right amount of water every day and going to bed and getting up at the same time every day! It's working for me too. I have a schedule and it is keeping me on track and ready to tackle my day! 

If you are pre, menopausal, or post, I highly recommend trying the Paula B 50 (Five _oh) Method. Her workouts are free on Youtube and you don't need a lot of room to do the workouts. 

I've got a long way to go to hit my target but ... I'm on the move baby! 



I attempting to still read my one book a month minumum and sometimes more! Right now I am reading The Blackwoods, about a Hollywood family, by Brandy Colbert. It's good so far... not what I would say it's great... but good enough.

The "Blind Date With A Book" display at the Parlour has been recently restocked! If you are looking for a surprising read, come and check out the tag hanging on the wrapped book, and see if it sounds interesting to you! It's $5 to take your blind date home with you, all of which goes to charity.

Next up on my list for my books this year is called "The Weight of Ink" recommended to me by one of my clients! I'm looking forward to it!



Yep, I'm still knitting! I miss my gatherings a lot and really wish that Stitch & Story had worked out. Everything is way more fun with friends. But I am still plunking along on my fair isle jacket. It's coming along slowly, and I am okay with that. I am still working on my temperature blanket for this year too (that will take a full year to complete). AND I am learning to crochet... finally!  

You might catch me knitting in between clients now and again... LOL but mostly I knit at home where I can snuggle up in my chair and watch a good movie, series or listen to an audio book.  

Much like losing weight... the projects take time, but each small step forward leads you to a big change and a beautiful result eventually. Patience truly is a virtue. 



My Reiki and Healing Haircut sessions are receiving more interest and more bookings. Thank you to everyone who is interested in my sessions. I absolutely love doing the sessions with you all. 

I am now attuned to Level Master for Usui Reiki, Karuna Ki Reiki and I have my level 2 Celtic Reiki and Pet Reiki. I have also recently completed a Menopausal Reiki attunement which I am looking forward to sharing soon. 

If you are interested in a Healing Haircut (read about that here) You can book yourself online on Mystic Mondays or if you need a weekend date, just reach out to me and I would be happy to get you booked in on my end.


Sometimes I get messages from beyond the veil when I am sharing my Reiki with you... So, as this is unusual for a Reiki session... I am curious to know;

  • Would you like to hear messages from beyond the veil?

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Norman Update

For those of you who saw my post on FB about Norman contracting Lymes, I just wanted to update and let you know that he is doing very well! He has responded wonderfully to the treatment (antibiotics) and has his energy and appetite back for the most part.  

I, of course, feel terrible, but we are where we are now, so I am doing my best to make sure he is getting the best care. I have never walked him anywhere odd or in the bush and I have checked him every time we walked. EVERYTIME, and I have never ever seen a tick on him. Unfortunately, we were never told that we should be giving him his tick and flea treatments all year round.

We only gave them as we always have with all our animals from Spring to Fall. It is due to the raising temperatures of global warming that many have been told to issue treatments all year round. Unfortunately, somehow, I did not realize this. I apologies to him every day and I am saying it, this one time, to those of you who feel it is helpful to "tell me off" because I did not do this. Uuuuggg!  

Things happen.... it sucks! But I have learned that I am not going to beat myself up over this. It has happened and now we must do whatever is necessary to make sure that Norman is well cared for and you can be sure... I am doing EVERYTHING I can to get him healthy, feeling good and he has already had his treatments that he will now get all year round.  

YES, it's true, he will always have this disease now.... but we will make sure he is monitored regularly and make sure he is as healthy as possible. 

He is really smart and has already (as of this morning) refused to eat his treat that contained his pill... so I went immediately to the shop to get ground beef in which I will make mini meatballs. I can stuff the medication into those for the next little while. I am doing everything in my power to make sure he has his pills without stressfully giving them to him. We are a week in now so ... three weeks left to go.  

He cannot have dairy! So, if you bring him treats, they must be dairy free for now; And, honestly, although he loves it... dairy is not recommended for dogs. 

So, moving forward, please know in your hearts, we did not intentionally neglect our dragon. We don't need reprimanding. What we need is your support as we are aware of all the things that should have happened and didn't but will be doing our very best to be sure that Norman has a long and healthy life, filled with love and joy ... as always! 

AND NEVER MIND ABOUT US... come and give the dragon and hug and scratch. Poor fella... he LOVES you all so very much! He loves his greeting job and really loves your attention. After having started his life off in a cage, he needs all the love he can get!

Thank you for making his life so very magickal!


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Mrs Rees'

Vintage Beauty Parlour

69 b Belleville, ON



Monday -Mystic Mondays

Tuesday/ Wednesday- 10-5 pm

Thursday/ Friday 11 am - 7 pm

Saturday by appointment Only

Sunday - Stitch & Story Gatherings






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 © 2017 by Mrs Rees VBP. Proudly owned by Mrs. M. Rees

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