Day 3 of 12 Days of Christmas
Just some sweet reminders to share the love! No Spend Progress I will be baking and making stuff for Neighbours although the No spend is...

Unwrapping the Surprises of Day 2 in the 12 Days of Christmas
Kindred Spirits One of my favorite candles for the holiday season! Beautiful old fashioned cut sprinkles in purple and yellow decorate...

12 Days of Christmas: Creative and Festive Ways to Celebrate the Holidays
What are the 12 days of Christmas? The 12 days of Christmas is the period in Christian theology that marks the span between the birth of...

Holy Shit!
I mean... there is no other title I could have used for this Newsletter! My MATCH received a phone call today from someone we could...

Go Green this Christmas
Choose reusable or homemade decorations Have a zero-waste vegan meal Use recycled wrapping for the gifts Chose a sustainable tree Buy...

Last night at around 2am AGAIN the perpetrator from our last break in returned. OUR NEIGHBOURS from behind the Parlour 2 women and a man,...

Remembrance Day
A newsletter dedicated to a very special message of thanks to those of you who serve our country and for those that have and have now...

WOW! Thank you!
Well, if I didn't already feel like Bellevagas was our home... I certainly do now! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to reach...

Break In at the Parlour
Well, I guess with the way things are going lately, it was just a matter of time. I have already sent out a Vintage Bugle Newsletter, so...