Dreams Do Come True
Yesterday I spent some time with a friend of mine. She paints my windows at the Parlour. I know you all love her work because you've told...

To Dog or not to Dog
This blog post comes to you through love but man do I get annoyed by this... I read a meme an old friend posted the other day. It said,...

On Dying
Today I want to share the words written by someone else. They were not written by me but they are how I feel and they are important....

We often don't realize how grief manifests within us and others. We hear words like "Move on" and "Get over it" often. People see things...

Welcome Autumn
THIS is my FAVORITE time of year. I know... it's when everything is dying, but it is a time of beauty and of being grateful for all we...

The Twist
This was a challenging weekend but ... I'm still here. Firstly, it was a wonderful new experience for Norman Bates. We headed down to...

Fall Release Candles ~ Sweet Pea & Grey Hare
Sweet Pea & Grey Hare is my other business and another creative outlet for me. The Fall Candles are ready and here at the Parlour....

A Happy Has-Been
The weekend went extremely well, and my MATCH and I filled all our time with fun and activities. We did yard work, a lot of long walks...

Shake it up
Today was weigh-in day. It's been a full week and a day since I began the new Metabolic Diet plan. I am sticking to the eating plan,...

Blue Zone Journey
I am starting my Blue Zone Journey . Click the botton below to learn more about what that means! After so many years of trying so many...